title: Day 1084 author: gizmomathboy tags: MyCuneiformTablets data: og: title: 'Day 1084 #MyCuneiformTablets'

image: 'day-1084-P262153.jpg'

Day 1084 #MyCuneiformTablets

Contract, account of wool for the god IM-dugud(gu)

(The wool of) 103 goats
from the herdsman Sîn-māgir,

for ceremonial garments will be braided
(and to) Anzud
are pledged.
The month of Ayyarum, the day 15
the year: "Ḫammurapi the king".
(The wool of) 103 goats
from the herdsman Sîn-māgir

Seal of Samum


clay tablet